Saturday, September 28, 2013


IE won't connect to the Internet but Firefox or Chrome will...
Click Start, then Run and type CMD in the dialogue box that appears, and then click OK. Type netsh winsock reset into the DOS window that appears.

Found here:

Project Management formulas
FV = PV(1+I)^T
NPV = FV/(1+I)^T
(Pessimist + Optimist + (4 * Most Likely))/6

Ask yourself these questions when making decisions on technology:
§  How will this technology allow the company to be more productive?
§  Will the technology promise an acceptable ROI?
§  How is the technology the right selection for the company?
§  How soon will this technology need to be replaced?
§  What is the break-even point (also called the payback period) for this investment?
§  When does it become profitable?
If you cannot answer these questions fully and accurately when selecting new technology, then you have not completed your research.

VAR = Value Added Reseller

·         Time and Materials
o   Include NTE (Not to Exceed) Clause
·         Fixed Fees
o   Overruns go back to the vendor
·         Cost plus contracts
o   Wasted Materials drive price up
WBS = Work Breakdown Structure

Requirements Document
Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM)
Project Scope

WBS – Work Breakdown Schedule